
“All Things Are Possible” by Ann Webb

by | Jan 29, 2019

“All things are possible to those who believe.” Mark 9:23

In December I was shopping for Christmas presents for some wonderful Christian sisters.  I was struggling to find anything that seemed right.  As I was browsing, I came across mugs with Mark 9:23 on them.  Was it the right gift?  Was it right for everyone?  We all use mugs.  Do any of us need another one?  I was weary, and my foot hurt.  What to do?

As I stood staring at the mug praying for divine intervention, I was overwhelmed.  I would like to say that I was overtaken by just how much I believe HIM for every day.  Instead, what came to mind were all the things I do not believe HE has covered.  I have failed to believe HE is in the more complicated love relationships in my life. While I believe the relationships are fully HIS inspiration, I do not trust that HE is in the conflict and struggle. I do not always trust that HIS strength is greater than my weakness when it comes to many of the choices I make.  I do not receive because I do not ask.  I grow weary waiting on HIS timing when I want change now.  I have taken my eyes off of HIM, off of all HE has done in me, through me, because HE loves me.  I cannot see the forest for the trees and am missing the beauty in the leaves, branches, and trunks. 

This is the year I choose to believe.  Believe HE is all powerful and over everything.  Believe HE is for me and you.  Believe HE has it all worked out.  Believe HIS timing is perfect even as I struggle to wait.  As I handed out the mugs, I challenged each recipient to prayerfully consider what they do not believe HE will do and to join me in making this a year of belief.

I have begun to see real change.  The relationships are still hard.  Communication and conflict still co-exist.  I am still weak, but I am much more aware and dependent on HIS strength.  I ask for grace, wisdom, strength, and opportunity daily.  I trust HIS love will not fail.  I look at the trees and appreciate their complicated beauty.  I spend time with HIM discussing all HE has done and is doing, HIS wonder and beauty.  I pray often that HE will show me where my unbelief lives, repent, and rejoice in the freedom I experience.  Peace is a wonderful promise when we believe HIM for it.

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

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