

[United] is a great environment for 7th–12th grade students to connect with friends, grow their relationship with Jesus, and develop them into the future leaders of the church.

We have an amazing team of volunteers that have real discussions with students and are ready to share their life experiences. [United] works to bring hope into local schools by preparing students to live out their faith in practical ways.

What To Expect.

Students can come early to hang out with friends, grab a snack, and play some games.

Once we get started, students can expect to participate in a wide range of group games, student led worship, a message that is relevant to students, and discussion groups so that students can go deeper.

Get Involved.

Our 7th–12th graders meet on Sundays (September–June) during the 10:00am service, and on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm in the youth room.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with what’s going on. Be on the lookout for signups for our annual Deep Freeze Snow Camp on NH and Mission Trips.


We see the importance in teaching students the significance of serving. We regularly find ways to serve our local community by feeding the homeless, volunteering at local shelters, or practicing random acts of kindness.

Our goal is to coach students into the servant leadership that Jesus practiced.

Partnering With Parents.

Our goal is to partner with parents, not replace them. Our team would love to connect with you, get to know you, and learn how to serve your family better!

We also have a regular parent email newsletter keeping you up to date with everything going on at United.