I went a funeral recently. Funerals are typically a time of reflection. Reflections on a life lived, relationships that were created and a legacy left behind. The stories shared of course vary from individual to individual.
In this case it was the celebration of a woman who at age 86 went to her be with Savior and Lord. It was a lovely commemoration. Complete with a good old fashioned responsive reading and 2 beloved hymns. Those things alone filled my soul. This lovely woman lived a good life. She leaves behind a husband, children, and grandchildren who grieve at her passing. She loved the Lord and served Him and in many ways and through her adult life as a missionary.
I had only met her about 14 years ago and hadn’t seen her in several. Even when I first met her, she had already been touched by Alzheimers, so I never got to know her as many others did. What struck me most during the time I knew her is how much her husband was devoted to her. Ever kind and considerate. Concerned about her comfort and safety. I cried at the funeral as I watched him cry.
Funerals can also be a time of personal reflection. Who would come to my funeral? Who would speak? What would be said? What type of impact would I have made? While no one but God knows the future, and we do want to live in the present, I think these are good questions to consider.
What will be my legacy? What will be yours?
At the service, the Pastor spoke of the Parable of the Talents. In this story Jesus speaks of a man who goes on a trip and leaves his servants with some talents (his wealth) based on their ability. 5 talents to 1 servant, 2 to another and 1 talent to the last. When he returns from his trip he wants a report on how they used their talents. The first two have used the talents well and have received a profit, the third is fearful of his master’s response if he lost the money so he buries it and returns it to him. The passage goes on to share how the master praises his first two servants – “Well done thy good and faithful servant” and rebukes the third for wasting his opportunity.
The Lord gives us all a variety of talents, resources. Time, gifts, abilities, assets, intellect, opportunities etc. How will we use the time and wealth that He has given us? Will we squander it, use it for our own personal gain, or will we use it to bless others and to build His kingdom?
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ Matthew 25:21