“Fake News” by Kitty Holt

Accusations of “fake news” rear their head everyday, in many ways, which makes it sometimes hard to discern truth from fiction.
If I were going to make up a “fake news” story, it might go something like this: the holy and just God who has always existed and who created the universe loves you so much that he willingly came here in human form, lived a completely sinless life, and then died the death of a sinner – all to take the punishment you should have received. And then, three days later, He arose again, defeating death, making it possible for you to spend all eternity with Him if you put your trust in what He did for you and give your life over to Him. Although you do not deserve this gift in any way, He offers it because He is a merciful and loving God.
Many people believe that is the biggest fairy-tale ever written, writing it off as fake news. And who can blame them? Why in the world would the God who created the universe love us that much? I still can’t fathom it. We are told in 1 Corinthians 1:18, “for the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to those of us who are being saved it is the power of God.” As followers of Christ, we know that it is not folly; that it is not fake news at all.
So how do we show others that this news is not fake, but very real indeed? Perhaps the best way is to show others how real Jesus is is by living out our faith. How do we do that? Jesus told us to do the following: Love our neighbor. Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Forgive one another. Love our enemies. Pray for those who persecute us. Do good to those who hate us. Bless those who curse us. Love one another.
I think that’s a good start towards showing people the stunning reality of Christ’s love. While we do that, may we pray that they would come to know the truth… the truth that will set them free.