Do you ever think of how lonely it must have been for God? What it must have been like before He spoke the universe into existence? Even as God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, even with His obedient angels, it must have been so very lonely for Him to want to create us. Not only that, but He created us in His image, to be unique from the rest of the animals on the Earth. He built us each with the ability to feel and think, to choose and want. He gave us free will and the ability to love.
I keep thinking about why, and the only real conclusion I can come to is that God wants us to want Him, but not to oblige ourselves with Him. As much as we yearn for connection, God also wants us to choose Him with our whole hearts. I understand how frustrating it can be when someone chooses or believes differently, but we must remember that we are guides when we follow God’s law, not arbiters or inquisitors. Likewise, we must truly love God and not force ourselves or others to follow His way.
“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 ESV
Forced love is not real, because love cannot be forced. Without choice, there cannot be love. Even if we cannot guide others to love God, we must seek peace with them, not drive them away. Whatever our paths, we must choose them of our free will. Why else would God give us this freedom?