
“Change in Perspective” by Kitty Holt

by | Dec 8, 2020

Although I went to church my entire life, I did not become a follower of Christ until I was in my late 30’s. In my younger years, I was a Christian in name only.

When I finally understood God’s holiness and my sinfulness, and thus my complete and utter dependence on Christ to save me, I regretted so many wasted years and quickly dove into everything I could find to learn more about being a disciple of Christ so I would not waste the latter half of my life. Besides immersing myself in God’s word on a daily basis, two courses were life-changing in terms of an understanding of who God is. One is called The Truth Project; the other is called Perspectives.

If you have heard the repeated announcements about the Perspectives course over the years and somehow think the course is not for you, you are very wrong. The course is for everyone, from brand-new Christians to those who have been walking with Jesus for decades. It is for those who have an interest in missions – and those who don’t even know what missions is. If you have an interest in God, then you should consider taking Perspectives, as you will learn so much about God’s heart and His amazing plans.

A recent Perspectives alumni and Christian of many years, Cathy Jackson, had this to say about Perspectives: “The coursework and lectures opened my eyes to the enormity of the work God has done to reach people over the millennia and throughout all people groups. I was continually surprised by the beauty and enormity of our God as He orchestrated societal, economic, geological and political shifts to reach the unreached. There is a grand and wonderful dance going on that sweeps through time and the Dance Partner is the ultimate Suitor, ever graceful and utterly perfect in all His ways. Discovering these things through the Perspectives course has forever opened my eyes and heart to His purposes to reach those whom He is calling.”

If you, as Cathy states, “love encountering the greatness of our God,” then you will love the Perspectives course. It is life-changing in the best way possible.

Due to COVID-19, the course will take place on Zoom. There is a one-hour orientation on January 14 at 6:30 pm, and the course starts up on January 21. The first two classes are completely free so you can determine if you want to continue (you will!) – but you need to register HERE to get the Zoom link. The class runs from January 21 through April 29 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm.

If you register and pay by January 7, there is a $25 early-bird discount. In addition, CCF’s Global Outreach team believes so much in Perspectives that the first 14 people from CCF to sign up will receive a $75 scholarship, bringing the cost of the class down to $150 (plus a required book). 

There is literally no better time to take this course. The fee is reduced since it is online and you do not need to even leave your home to take it! You can even try it out for free. Since it is an online course, people from anywhere can take the course (spread the word!). The instructors are engaging and amazing. I hope to see you there. You will indeed have an encounter with the greatness of our God. What an awesome way to start 2021!

– More information & registration for 2021 Perspectives Course –

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