
“Becoming All Things to All People” by Kitty Holt

Several years ago, one of my children and I were like oil and water. He wanted to go in one direction; I wanted him to go in another. We were frequently at odds with one another and seemed to have nothing in common except that we both liked oldies music. He wanted...

“Love Them Like Jesus” by Marie Brodeur

“Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ”.  Philippians 2:5 I struggle with this every day.  Especially when it comes to dealing with people.  I tend to be like a chihuahua.  I bark a lot then immediately regret it.  I have been really praying that I would stop...

“The Word of God” by Kathleen Wilson

I recently finished reading a couple of books sent to me by my good friend Judy Pine in Orange, California. Judy and I met while working for the School of Extended Education at Chapman University. She is a “Kiwi” which means she was born in New Zealand. She highly...

“The Only Metric That Matters” by Steve VanHorn

I am fascinated with metrics. As a kid I loved analyzing the stats on the back of a baseball card. I still love seeing how athletes measure up to the all time greats! But today, where I have chosen to align myself with Jesus, how do I measure up as I analyze my...

“Living with Endurance” by Melissa Mitchell

Lately, on social media I have seen that people are posting their word of the year for 2021.  It has been wonderful to see the encouraging, uplifting words that people have chosen.  The only word that comes to my mind is endurance. I feel like that is much...