
Am I a Good Servant?

by | Oct 26, 2021

For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. Romans 10:13

That is a good solid verse to build our faith on. It is given to us by grace alone. We don’t have to earn it and we certainly don’t deserve it. This is not an excuse to do nothing. With this great gift comes responsibility. Not to earn our salvation, but work because God has given us works to do already. We work so that God will be glorified. In 2 Peter 1:1, Simon Peter identifies himself as a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ.  

I was reading my devotions this week and read this verse. What struck me was the thought that I am a servant of Jesus. (Ok, ok, some of us are slower than others and it takes a while to sink in). But If I were rated on how I work, would I be fired as a servant? Not that the Lord would fire me, but comparatively speaking, if I worked as a servant for someone else like I do the Lord, would I be put out on the street? Am I a good servant? Do I do my duties as a good servant? I have to admit, I am not a good servant at times. I get so busy doing life that I sometimes forget I am a servant. As a servant it is expected that I do the work of a servant. What does the Lord require of us?

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 

What makes a good servant? I see some people to whom being a servant comes so easy and naturally. Me, not so much. I see others knowing just what to do and say and I stand there like a stick. Awkward like a new servant in training.  

I really got to thinking about what makes a good servant.  

A good servant listens. You will serve people better when you make a deep commitment to listen intently to them and understand what they are saying. My husband tells the story of homeless people who stated sometimes church people will come to their community and hand out water and food without making a connection. Others will come in, sit down and really talk to them and make them feel like real people. A good servant will take the time to listen and hear what the Master is saying and listen to those they come in contact with. It takes commitment and time. 

The other day I was at a store when a lady I knew saw me. I am not a fan of this woman and tried to avoid her because she is someone who always complains and is down in the mouth every time I see her. She saw me and cornered me, and again started on this lengthy discourse on how bad life was treating her, how bad her ex was treating her, and on and on she went. Me – I was looking for an escape route. Before I even got out of the store, I was convicted about how bad a servant I was. I had to confess to the Lord how wrong my attitude was toward her. I am so ashamed. Where was my empathy? Where was my love? I should have been fired from being a servant right then on the spot. I plan on sending her a note apologizing and I have really been praying for her this week that God would bless her real good and send her an empathetic and caring witness.   

A good servant will show empathy. Good servants don’t just do the task, but a good servant will show compassion and understanding. I am so so guilty of jumping to judgements instead of showing empathy and realizing that it could be me in that situation   

A good servant shows love for others. Love for others even when it is inconvenient. For brethren you have been called unto liberty, only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Why should we serve? Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God. Sometimes I feel like I am the servant that took his talent and buried it in the sand. I don’t want to be that servant. I want to use my talents to glorify Him and not be ashamed when I get to Heaven. At my age I should have perfected the role of servant and found my talents to use for Him. I am so glad that God sees our weakness and loves us anyway. I am so glad that He that He who has begun a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that I can be a mirror of Him and have more love, more empathy, and more compassion that I have shown up to now. It is a choice. I don’t have to be stuck on being that foolish servant but can continue to strive to be like Him and practice the presence of Him to allow His love and compassion to show through me.  


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