
A Perfect Playlist

by | Feb 21, 2023

Do you have a perfect playlist? My two favorite playlists are an “oldies” playlist, and my “worship music” playlist. I want to share some of my worship playlist with you and why I listen to them every morning.

(1) God be Merciful to Me by Jars of Clay – this song, taken from Psalm 51 (after David sinned regarding Bathsheba) reminds me that I – and we – are in need of God’s mercy, and that He is indeed a merciful God.

(2) How Deep the Father’s Love for us by Selah – following the first song, this is a stark reminder of the part we each played in sending Jesus to the cross, and what He endured for us… because He loves us so much. Listening to the words of this song bring to life just how much God loves us, and asks why…something I still can’t fathom.

(3) O Praise the Name – Hillsong Worship – this song starts on such a somber tone, singing about Good Friday, but turns into a joyous song about Jesus’ resurrection and is filled with praise to our wonderful Father.

(4) The Blessing by Bethel Music – a good song to listen to when you feel like the world is against you. Even if it is, God is not – He is for you. As I read recently, even if the whole world is against you, if you have God on your side, you are in the majority. This song reminds me of that.

(5) Hallelujah by Brandon Lake – a wonderful worship song that reminds us that all we can give God is our praise and our lives

(6) Sing Wherever I Go – We the Kingdom – A great last song to listen to to get your day started and remind you to keep your joy through the day.


What’s in your playlist?

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