
Remember When…?

by | Apr 16, 2024

Our family loves to tell stories about the past. My kids, now 12 & 14, love to ask about the things they did as little kids. Their funny sayings and mannerisms. Sometimes we even break out the old pictures and inevitably, someone says, “Remember when…?” There’s a certain comfort that comes from retelling these fun stories, and what a blessing it is to have these reminders of them.

1 Samuel tells the story of Israel being defeated by the Philistines. But 20 years after their defeat, we see in 1 Samuel 7:3, “Samuel told them, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your heart, get rid of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths that are among you, set your hearts on the Lord, and worship only him. Then he will rescue you from the Philistines.” So, the people of Israel finally stopped the worshipping of idols and false gods and turned back to the true God. And so, He fulfilled His promise to them. And, in only the way God can, gave victory over the Philistines to Israel.

Samuel memorialized the victory and set a stone between Mizpeh and Shen. 1 Samuel 7:12 tells us he “named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us.” Throughout the Old Testament the word “remember” comes up 165 times. God reminds His people time and time again to remember how He has helped them, and we see in this story how a physical reminder was set in place.

There is a line from a well-known hymn that refers to the stone of Ebenezer. The second verse of “Come Thou Fount” starts with “Here I raise my Ebenezer, Here by Thy great help I’ve come”. If you were unfamiliar with the story from 1 Samuel, this line may now have a new meaning for you. Just as God reminded His people throughout the Old Testament to remember His good works, He wants us to be reminded of how He has worked in our lives, too.

Do you have your own Ebenezer? There are many ways to bring to your remembrance the ways God has worked in your own life. For me, I have artwork all over my house with Bible verses that are special reminders of how God has spoken to me through Scripture or answered prayers. I also have mementos from missions trips I’ve taken as reminders of the way God changed my heart and life through those trips. I have friends who write down ways they’ve seen God work and put them into a jar to be read on New Years Eve.

These are just a few ideas of course. But, I encourage you to allow these Ebenezers to become a part of your life. When I’ve gone through dry or dark seasons, I’ve had these precious reminders to go back to, and I’m so thankful for them. When it seems like God is quiet, these are the times to “remember when…?”

But then I recall all you have done, O Lord;
    I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. Psalm 77:11


Click HERE for a lovely rendition of Come Thou Fount

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