
My Favorite Thanksgiving

by | Nov 23, 2021

My favorite Thanksgiving took place in 1977. Although I was a kid, I remember being, perhaps for the first time in my life, truly, truly thankful.

Nine days earlier, I lost my home to a gas explosion. The explosion, tragically, hurt a fireman who succumbed to his injuries a month later, leaving behind a young widow.

We lost pretty much everything we owned in the explosion. But our extended family, church family, neighbors, local stores, and complete strangers surrounded us with love. We were given a temporary place to live, clothing and food, even our first real Christmas tree.

On that Thanksgiving, we realized that “things” were not important. But having our family of eight alive and all together – that was something to be thankful for.

Looking back all these years later, I find it interesting that my favorite Thanksgiving took place not when I was surrounded by an abundance of “stuff” – but instead, when I was simply surrounded by the people I loved.

On this Thanksgiving, you may have a lot, or a little. You may have a close family, a family which is torn apart, or no family at all. But one thing you do have if you follow Jesus: a Father in heaven who has adopted you into His family. And even if you have nothing else, with that, you have everything you need. And that is something to be thankful for.

“…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (Ephesians 5:20)

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