
“Stay Out” Teaching Series Resources.

Inviting God into Uncomfortable Places.


If our lives are like a house, there are definitely areas that we deem “off limits” to guests. Here’s the thing: Jesus isn’t a guest. He wants access to every area of our lives. Why do we invite Jesus into some areas of life and not all of them? So often we believe the lie that Jesus can satisfy some areas of our life, but not all. We have to routinely ask, “in what areas are we slamming the door shut?”

We try to keep God out of these areas, but they are the places we need to invite God into.

Week 2 – Stay out of my entertainment



Hope Church Guide to a Social Media Fast 

PluggedIn.com – Free website with in depth guides to movies, shows, games, books, & music. From their site: “Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live…. Entertainment industry ratings only tell you so much. We go deeper, diving into specific content and the meaning behind it.”

CommonSenseMedia.orgCommon Sense is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive. This is a secular resource.


Becoming a Screen-Savvy Family: How to Navigate a Media-Saturated World–And Why We Should
By Plugged In General Editor Paul Assay

Who Are You Following?: Pursuing Jesus in a Social-Media Obsessed
by Sadie Robertson Huff

Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World
By Jonathan McKee


Week 3 – Stay out of my budget




Week 4 – Stay out of my relationships

